Let me start by making clear that the last pair of glasses I received, were not a purchase that require money out of my pocket and let me explain: I had bought two pair of glasees from Parallel and the older one (bought since 2022) was showing some minor scratches from daily wearing. I contacted Parallel to see if they had a program to refurbish old glasses and the answer was: "Select a new pair and we will shipped them right away at no cost to you". After my initial and pleasent surprise, I asked how to return the old pair of glasses. The anwser I got was: "You don´t need to rerturn them, just keep them". Finally, I wanted to try a different style so I asked if I had to get the same old style or could I choose a different one. Their response to my last inquiry was: "Select whattever style you prefer". To me, and given that some companies have forgotten what Customer Service should be, Parllallel is a living proof that they really appreciate their customers, especially in a highly competitve market. Needless to say that their product is very good at a very reasonable price. Last week, I was at an airport and there were severla sunglasses stores offering 40% on any purchase. I was about to go in and check what they had to offer, but then I remembered my recent experience with Parlaller and decided no to walk into any of those strores. Parallel offers any style I may need. Keep up the good work!.